I was fortunate enough to spend a wonderful, dare I say... DELIGHTFUL week with the Gibbs in Houston! We were able to clean out the closet, see some great movies, do lots of shopping, and of course eat WONDERFUL food! It was a fabulous getaway and just what I needed at that time. Thank you Gibbs women for being the best hosts and the greatest friends!
This was quite good despite the main guys bad wig job. I give it two thumbs up and recommend it to most... there are some very clever lines in there about British people and their quirky ways! It left me with a great desire to be a wine taster!
Very cute and fun. If you like well cut men with chiseled abs, there are plenty of good shots for you in this film. If you love Greece, then you will love the last few scenes! And if you love silly girls and their personal problems then I think that you will love this movie!
Delicious Korean food, we ordered too much, but somehow finished it all... funny how that works!

My last lunch in Houston was at the Hobbit Cafe. What you can't see is that the sign says welcome to Middle Earth. This was probably the most fun place we ate at. I loved it for its wonderful Tolkien parafanalia inside, I loved it for the earth mother feel of all the employees and the decor, and I loved it for the delicious food, particularly the wonderful peach smoothie that tasted like heaven in a jar! This is me and Alison being hobbits, you can tell because our arms are shorter and our hands are doing hobbit like actions...

This is us just hanging out... so much fun!
The cute ones...
The serious one...
The silly one....
The super cute one...
Ummm... I'm running out of ideas...
The squishy Alison face, fun one...
This is the gecko that found his way into the bathroom. Alison found him in the morning and didn't know what to do so she locked the doors and turned out the lights so that he would feel comfortable and as if nothing were amiss. A few hours later we decided to capture and release him back into the wild forests of Kingwood Texas.
We chased him around with a cup and finally caught him, he was fast moving...
We slid a bed bath and beyond coupon underneath to support his weight and ensure the safe travel of Rocky... (That's what we named him because he seems like a fighter...)
Then we released him into the plants on the back porch and left the cup there as a covering to protect him from the tropical storm that was in full force that day.
So long little Rocky, may you fair well in the wild!
Thank you for the fun memories and the delightful time in Texas! I hope to see you all again real soon!

Thank you for the fun memories and the delightful time in Texas! I hope to see you all again real soon!
Looks so fun! Wish I could have tagged along!
My, but you are quite the naturalist (no, I didn't say naturist).
Katy this post is just delightful.
Oh I just love this post! (Not just because it is "for me"). It was so fun when you were here! I'm so glad yo came! I am sorry to be missing the current gang of Gibbs hanging with you now. My dear, dear Katie I just love you to bits.
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