I realize that it's all been done before, so this is really more of a tribute to Yellowstone and not so much explaining what we did... so just enjoy the photos and feel free to comment...
A resting Buffalo, he was so hot right then, so much so that he stopped traffic with his ridiculously good looks!
Is it just me or does anyone else see a resemblance to Yosemite Sam?

What a handsome family...
So pretty!
What's sexier than one white leg? TWO white legs bedecked with keens and chacos!
Old Faithful... it was worth the wait!
Pictures by Anders... I think they're quite good!

More Pictures by Anders
A beautiful waterfall on the backroad
Tour Bus
View from the car on the drive back to the cabin... not too shabby eh?
Thanks to all who made the family reunion so wonderful. The only thing that could have taken it from a 10 to an 11 would have been a William and Jamie... I sure did miss you guys!

Thanks to all who made the family reunion so wonderful. The only thing that could have taken it from a 10 to an 11 would have been a William and Jamie... I sure did miss you guys!
I love the FR tribute. Anders has quite a photographic nack!
Nice plug for Yellowstone.
I'm sorry to see that your father has Bell's palsy. Otherwise a lovely photo essay!
Yosemite Sam indeed!
Nice nod. It looks like you've gotten more active in blogging. That makes me happy.
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