
Virginia Day 14: Arlington Cemetery and some Fond Farewells

My last day in Virginia was spent visiting Arlington Cemetery and hanging with the fam. This was a very cool destination and I do believe we all had a great time!

Kennedy's grave and memorial

Changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. A little strange but glad we were there to see it.

We took a farewell tour of Fauquier County and I tried to get in the alloted amount of times I could say Fauquier and not have it be naughty.

Horse Country, nuff said.

We ended the night by having a marshmallow party which is always a good time!

Anna and Rob played on their his and hers mac laptops

Anders created a silly alien looking marshmallow man. So creative!

Phantom children

Now I, had, the time of my life, and I never felt this way before, and I swear, its the truth, and I owe it all to you! Thank you Hastings for hosting me in your fair land of Virginia! I shall be back soon!


Virginia Day 13: Walkies!!!!

Taylor girls sang as they walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked... Anna and I spent the day in D.C. walking form site to site. We got a LOT in and had some sore feet by the end of the day but it was entirely worth it! I feel too lazy right now to label all of the photos but I'll do my best at remembering everything.

Lafayette square

Backside of the White House

They only let patriotic cars pass by on this road

This protestor has been protesting since the 70's?

Admiring Michelle's vegetable garden

Hey Mr. President!

I don't know why I'm so happy in this picture. This was taken right after I blew my one and only chance at love and happiness with the British stranger who asked us to take his picture. When he offered me his camera, I should have offered him my heart, or at least my name and phone number but instead I just kept quiet after I said how much I loved England. When he walked away I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life by not acting and Anna was kind enough to remind me of my error for the rest of the day. Sigh....

Did you know that Anna is a Daughter of the American Revolution?

The words above the door read: Dedicated to Art. Clearly this building was built for Anna.

Trying to heal my broken heart by being friendly with the lion.

Pret for lunch... again...

The highlight of my life! I have now seen it with my own eyes and it was AMAZING!!!

We would be incredible stewardesses

Amelia Earhart's plane

Wright Brother's plane

Self portrait

Space balls...

Stopping to smell the roses, so candid!

Anna is passionate about Holly

Dream neighborhood

This is gangster Katy. Watch out, I can get quite wicked on your ass.


I met so many nice men in D.C.

This is my artistic light shot. Its about coming to terms with not getting everything you want in life but being content with what you have.

This was a favorite day.