So this is where I work. These are the people that I work with.
Amy Burke, Crystal Molen CEO. Amy is married to Jeremy who is also working for Molen and Associates. She is very sweet and soft spoken. I really love Amy because she is always smiling and willing to help out. Crystal is always making cookies for the clients. That is a tray of her fresh out of the oven cookies. (They come from a tub but they're still delicious.)
Eve Rackleff aka "Evil." She is the one who got me the job and is in my ward. She's hilarious and she let me spend the night at her house the other night so I wouldn't have to drive home to Kingwood and back at five in the morning. She's pretty fantastic. It turns out that Alison and I are also her Visiting Teachers. Eve is a fellow Lord of the Rings nerd/part of the fellowship. Her dog and cat's names are Frodo and Sam. I love Eve.
This is Alicia. She also comes in at 6:00 am Saturday morning to do "Find the Files" with me and Susan. She is Ward Molen's (CEO) personal assistant. Her ex-husband also works here but surprisingly enough they get on alright. A picture is worth a thousand words.
This is Layne Nyberg. She is hilarious. Her husband is Michael and he is one of the tax preparers. She has pizazz and humor coursing through her blood and she keeps us all laughing at work. She reminds me of Emily a little bit in her personality and so I like to think of Layne as my older sister too.
This is Susan Jahnke. She comes from a long line of firefighters that are very well known in Houston. There is a street named after her family and all the firefighting community treat the Jahnke's like royalty and for good reason. Susan is the sweetest, funniest, cutest, most caring woman I've met! She's pretty hip and with it and I love to go to work because I get to spend my evenings hanging out with Susan. Her daughter actually took some classes from Dad when she was in the interior design program at BYU in its last year. (Julie) Anyway, this is Susan.
This is Jay Anderson. He is a tax preparer, he's 19 years old, and he's saving up to go on his mission. He's hilarious and always willing to help everyone. He always comes in to where we are working to see if there's any side project we could have him work on. Susan is always saying "I love me some Jay." This is true. Everyone loves Jay. He also has the deepest voice of any person I've ever met. He said his brother in law is going to write a story based on him when he wakes up in the morning. Its about a boy whose voice keeps getting so deep and so low that soon he can talk to whales until one day his voice is even too deep to communicate with the whales.
While there is plenty of drama to be had, and this isn't my dream position, I really love these people that I work with. They keep me going and I'm very glad I have gotten to know them and love them.
That is all.
Ok so i totally have a problem and I am responsible for the two comments that have been deleted. Don't worry, I do know how to leave a comment, I do this all the time. But apparently today I forgot how. ha!
Oh my gosh Katy I totally know Eve... she was in my freshman ward! She is way awesome and super funny :) I am so glad you are liking Texas and enjoying your time there... But I sure do miss you and our dinner nights!
No way you know Eve?! She's the best! I'm going to tell her about out Copy Center adventures! Hooray! I miss you too and our dinner parties! It hate trying to make new friends here. Its exhausting and all I really want to do is be goofy with all the copy center cool people!
Your daddy, who followed you all over WA with Google maps and aerial images, likes to know where you are and what everything looks like. I am happy to be able to put names with faces. I am pleased you have such good and jolly working companions.
I am like my Dad I like to be able to picture where you are and who you are with. We just recently got to go into Gavin's work and meet a few people and I cant tell you how much better I feel know where he is all day looks like.
I did how ever find it a bit depressing so for Valentines Day I sent him a work decor package including family pictures, a plant, & a lamp.
I was execting a picture at the end:
This is Michael Scott. He is my boss. He is really funny.
I could always edit it... maybe I will
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