Pre-Easter Festivities
Cathartic Goodbyes

South Pacific
Good Morning...
Rodeo Houston
Got our personalities tested based on our signatures, zodiak signs and science (or machines that are scientifically precise!)
I met the Longhorn Bull... Hook em Horns!
I got nostalgic for Washington and all the John Deere tractors up there...
There was the bareback, saddle, and bull riders...
There was the Muttin Bustin competition where they place 5-6 year olds on sheep that run and whoever hangs on the longest gets a big rodeo belt buckle and a trophy... by far the most entertaining part of the show!
And my personal favorite, the barrell raceing. These cowgirls are awesome and I want to be one someday!!
These cowboys are crazy and so are we for paying money to watch them risk their lives by being bucked around on horses and bulls. Not sure if they are able to have kids after they start their rodeo career, but I guess some sacrifices are worth it?
After the rodeo, Kieth Urban put on a concert in the same arena. He was very entertaining and went out into the audience several times, making the fans go wild with excitement! Since Alison and I like his music but aren't raving fans, we decided to cut out in the last song before it turned to maddness! This was a great decision because, one we avoided the crowds and made it to the tram quickly without a hitch. Two, we were stopped in front of the exit by the police officers so we were at the front of the crowd as Kieth Urban drove out of the arena and rolled down the window and waved goodbye to us! It was great!
I LOVE me some Rodeo!!
Happy Birthday Tucker!

YSA Activities: My favorite past-time.

Molen and Associates