

In the spirit of remembering my Fall 2008 term at BYU, I thought I would post some pictures of the "Modern Body Art" I participated in.

It was a very moving, very spiritual experience. I hope you can discern the meaning of the art through these pictures. I would be curious to hear some of your interpretations but some of you I don't want you to even bother because I know you won't get it. Most of all, I would like to hear what Jayson has to say because he is so in tune with art and his eye for beauty astounds me every time he makes a new discovery.

I also thought that I would put a picture of one of my books I made in bookbinding class up so that people would see how talented and artistic I am. If you want one, don't even ask me, I've retired as a bookbinder and you couldn't even afford me even if I wasn't a retired super-awesome bookbinder.

I call it, "book I made open on a table." I feel that it really explains how I feel about the earth and Disney movies.

Thank You


David and Kris Taylor said...

It's all about the delicacy and transparency of suspension. The sense of movement is compelling and draws me in, like a spiritual bungee cord.


PS The bindings are cool.

Maren said...

I would say it represents how we are bound by our emotions...unseen but powerful.