Perhaps if you have spent any kind of time with me, you have heard me talk about my job. I know I complain a lot about silly missionaries that want their Preach My Gospels laminated, their dictionaries bound, pictures of their girlfriends enlarged and laminated and so on... I complain because I think that these are ridiculous jobs. So why do I remain working in this minimum wage, tedious job? Number one I have the words greatest boss and number two, I work with some of the most amazing, fun and wonderful women I have ever met! Last week, we joined together not as copy center employees, but as girls in need of some good food and fun! We met at Meagan Brandley's nice apartment and had a homemade spaghetti dinner with salad, bread, fruit and a delicious ice-cream sandwich cake made by Stacie! After dinner there was more visiting followed by a feature presentation of "Step Up 2: The Streets." Talk about quality film... (Well if you actually want to talk about quality, I can suggest some other ones... but if you want to talk about amazing dance moves, compelling teen drama, and mediocre acting then we can talk about Step Up 2.) Thank you everyone who came and contributed to the fun evening. For those that couldn't come, we hope to see you the next time we get together!
Marissa, Megan, Carrie
Bri, Stacie, Meagan
Bri, McKay,Meagan, Bethany?, Carston, Megan, Stacie, Carrie, Marissa, Me
Marissa and Carrie making their best yummy faces while they enjoy the scrumptious dessert that Stacie made.
Carrie really enjoying dessert
The start of the silly picture taking portion of the evening... if you hate silly pictures quit reading this post...
Me and Megan
Carrie please don't be angry with me for posting these pictures, they are just some of the best awkward faces I've ever seen!

I think that Megan looks amazing in this picture
If I had to give this picture a title, I think I would call it... Distressed

I love you copy center girls!
I love you copy center girls!
Looks like fun and the food looks yummy! Love the silly face portion of the post, well done Carrie!
Party hearty,dude.
I'm so glad you posted these! That was such a great night! :)
I may be a bit bias, but I think Carrie had the best crazy faces by far! LOL!
Ell, I totally agree with you, that's why I couldn't resist posting them, even if it meant I might offend Carrie... Everyone deserves to enjoy her creativity as an artist!
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