The Women

I went to see this movie with Alison and Chelsea Gibbs. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it! There were some great lines, wonderful scenes and TONS of excellent actresses, Cloris Leachman being my absolute favorite! This film is a remake of the 1939 "The Women."

I felt that it was more about being entertained than it was about being deep and thought provoking. The entire cast consists of only women; there is not one man to be found in the entire film! I thought this was rather interesting and made me like it even more! If you choose to see it, you should take your girlfriends and leave the men behind.
Hot Date
I had a hot date on Saturday with Millie. She came and picked me up at Alta apartments and then we went to have a delicious dinner prepared by Colton at P712.
See how lovely we are?
If you look closely in the background you can see Colton and Joseph... I didn't take the picture with a flash so as not to disturb the customers and chefs.
Our feet had a great time!
Then we drove to go see a movie at the International Cinema. On the drive over there we had a very engaging and delightful conversation!
We saw the German film, "The Lives of Others." I LOVED this movie and would recommend it to anyone... well almost anyone...
It really got us thinking about life in Germany in the 1980's and the coming down of the Berlin Wall.
Thank you Millie for being one of the best dates I've ever been on!

Thank you Millie for being one of the best dates I've ever been on!
For Maren
New Digs
This is my new apartment. Maren has been asking to see pictures, so here they are. I hope you all will agree that the Leopard Print theme is classy and fabulous!
Copy Center Girls Night
Perhaps if you have spent any kind of time with me, you have heard me talk about my job. I know I complain a lot about silly missionaries that want their Preach My Gospels laminated, their dictionaries bound, pictures of their girlfriends enlarged and laminated and so on... I complain because I think that these are ridiculous jobs. So why do I remain working in this minimum wage, tedious job? Number one I have the words greatest boss and number two, I work with some of the most amazing, fun and wonderful women I have ever met! Last week, we joined together not as copy center employees, but as girls in need of some good food and fun! We met at Meagan Brandley's nice apartment and had a homemade spaghetti dinner with salad, bread, fruit and a delicious ice-cream sandwich cake made by Stacie! After dinner there was more visiting followed by a feature presentation of "Step Up 2: The Streets." Talk about quality film... (Well if you actually want to talk about quality, I can suggest some other ones... but if you want to talk about amazing dance moves, compelling teen drama, and mediocre acting then we can talk about Step Up 2.) Thank you everyone who came and contributed to the fun evening. For those that couldn't come, we hope to see you the next time we get together!
Marissa, Megan, Carrie
Bri, Stacie, Meagan
Bri, McKay,Meagan, Bethany?, Carston, Megan, Stacie, Carrie, Marissa, Me
Marissa and Carrie making their best yummy faces while they enjoy the scrumptious dessert that Stacie made.
Carrie really enjoying dessert
The start of the silly picture taking portion of the evening... if you hate silly pictures quit reading this post...
Me and Megan
Carrie please don't be angry with me for posting these pictures, they are just some of the best awkward faces I've ever seen!

I think that Megan looks amazing in this picture
If I had to give this picture a title, I think I would call it... Distressed

I love you copy center girls!
I love you copy center girls!
I am taking a physical science class this semester and in the last lecture we discussed Newton's laws of motion. I'm sure you are all familiar with them, but for those of you who can't recite them by heart, I will refresh your memories by listing his first and third laws: Every object remains in uniform motion unless compelled to change by forces acting on it; To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." That Newton knew his stuff... What better way to learn these laws than by personal application?
While riding my bike home from work on Tuesday, I tried to jump the curb. I had seen Carrie do this a number of times; she had given me some tips on how to successfully pull off this "stunt." Perhaps you can tell where this story is headed... As I was approaching the ginormous curb, I chickend out! I ended up hitting the curb at a slight angle and was not successful in pulling up the front wheel and consequently, the object that was at rest (me) was compelled to fly forward by the sudden change in velocity of the bike. This makes perfect sense when remembering Newtons third law of motion. Because the bike flew backwards, I flew forwards and felt the earths gravitational pull at work. I landed on my nose and forhead and somehow managed to hit my knee somewhere along the way. Because of my pride and vanity, I wasn't wearing a helmet, and consequently felt the full effects of the electromagnetic force of the pavement pushing back against my body. Now I have a lovely red spot between my eyes for the first week of school. The good news is that I still have all of my teeth and I will get an A when I am tested on Newton's laws of motion.
Could be worse... could be raining!
My deep tissue bruise... its starting to turn different shades of purple these days.
My signature white leg, now available in a lovely shade of violet.
While riding my bike home from work on Tuesday, I tried to jump the curb. I had seen Carrie do this a number of times; she had given me some tips on how to successfully pull off this "stunt." Perhaps you can tell where this story is headed... As I was approaching the ginormous curb, I chickend out! I ended up hitting the curb at a slight angle and was not successful in pulling up the front wheel and consequently, the object that was at rest (me) was compelled to fly forward by the sudden change in velocity of the bike. This makes perfect sense when remembering Newtons third law of motion. Because the bike flew backwards, I flew forwards and felt the earths gravitational pull at work. I landed on my nose and forhead and somehow managed to hit my knee somewhere along the way. Because of my pride and vanity, I wasn't wearing a helmet, and consequently felt the full effects of the electromagnetic force of the pavement pushing back against my body. Now I have a lovely red spot between my eyes for the first week of school. The good news is that I still have all of my teeth and I will get an A when I am tested on Newton's laws of motion.
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