My ward has created a dating council to facilitate dating within our ward. The idea behind the council is that they will provide activities where dating can occur. They will plan it and provide all the necessary materials for an enjoyable evening and we just show up. We can a.) Ask someone to go with us ourselves, b.) ask to be set up with someone specific if we are too afraid to ask, or c.) just put our names down to be randomly paired with someone else who doesn't care who they go with. They alternate between girls and guys choice. The entire idea is to provide a stress and pressure free environment where it is understood that it is a "ward activity" date.
This month, on the 15th there will be such a date night. We will meet at Kaity Beauregard's farm for some hay rides, pumpkin carving, a haunted corn maze, and smores and who knows what else. This date is girls choice. Alison and I thought it would be nice to set an example to the dysfunctional men in our ward to go ahead and ask someone, to show how easy it is.
I decided to ask Bill Edwards. He's the ward executive clerk assistant or whatever the hell the calling name is. (I really don't know, he counts people in sacrament meeting and helps out with tithing... you tell me.) I've talked to him a couple of times, we know who each other are and I thought it would be nice to ask someone I know I'm not really interested in, make it even less stress free right? So on Sunday night while everyone was skyping, I called Bill. He didn't answer and I didn't leave a message. Five minutes later, he called me back and this was our conversation:
"Hey, this is Bill..."
-"Hey Bill, this is Katy from the ward."
"Which Katy?"
-"Ha, thats right, there are about 12 of us, Katy Taylor."
"Oh hey how's it going?"
-"I'm doing alright. Hey, I was wondering if you would go with me to the ward date night on the 15th?"
LOOOOONG pause...
"Uhh... Yeah?... Uhhh.... I guess?.... sure.... yeah... yes."
-"Are you busy that night or do you have other plans?"
"Well no, I was just going to go to the activity by myself, I didn't have a date."
-"Oh, are you on the dating council too?"
"No, I was just going to go and hang out."
-"Oh, its just you sounded really hesitant."
"Sorry, I mean yes. We'll go, we'll do the whole shebang, it will be fun."
-"Okay, well where do you live?"
"I live out in Conroe where the activity is."
-"Well lets just meet there. That makes more sense."
"Okay, you really sound like you know what you're doing."
-"Well I have had a lot of experience doing this kind of thing. You can tell from the authority in my voice. Well I'll call you as it gets closer to the date night and we can work out details. I'll maybe wear a name tag so you recognize me."
"Haha, I know who you are."
-"Okay, see you later"
"See you later."
Boys are dumb.

This is Bill in the red circle and Kaity Beauregard in the yellow circle who's farm we will be congregating at. Its funny, it looks like a fan was conveniently set up to blow her hair just so in this photo.
Right now I want to call him back and cancel because he was being such a doofus about saying yes. I think dating is dumb and don't want to go anymore. What's the point eh? I'll let you know what I decide. Congratulations to all of you who are married now. To all of you who are still single, maybe we can find a way to be happy without a significant other? I mean, it may frustrate the plan of Heavenly Father completely, but when you look at your options and how you have to get there, it kind of seems worth it to be alone and miserable...
Oh boy. Stupid boys.
My worst story is this: It was my freshman year. I was having a very lousy friday night. My plans had fallen through, and I was left with nothing to do on Friday. A horrible situation for an insecure 18 year old girl. So then this boy in my ward calls. He was cute. I had a mini-crush on him. And he asked me out for that night, and of course I was so excited. So then he picked me up and the first thing he said, was, man I am so glad you were home. I called like nine girls and you were the first one home.
Wow what a way to make a gal feel like crap. The me now wold have said, "Excuse me? I'm going to go back inside my apartment and slam the door in your face, like you deserve." But of course I just tried to not look shattered and carried awkwardly on. And it was, for the record, maybe the all time worst date of my life. And he barely spoke to me the entire night and we were in this huge group up Rock Canyon where the boys peed on the fire, and I felt like a prisoner on the date. I wanted to go home so badly and we stayed and stayed and stayed.....and anyway....
Boys are retarded a lot of the time.
Well, when I was in high school, I called Ruth Ann Thompson and asked her if she had a date to the dance. She didn't and was honest enough to say so. So I said, "Would you like to go with me?" She was kind enough to say yes, but clearly I trapped her. Someone had to explain to me later that you never ask if they have a date, just ask if they would like to go. That way they won't have to lie, which she didn't. Anyway, it was just a date, no lifetime commitment, so it worked out fine. We actually had a reasonably good time. It was kind of her, because as you know if you have seen my high school yearbook, I was really a nerd.
So you are both right: boys are stupid. But again, remember, it is just a freakin' date -- that's all.
Dearest Katy,
I simply cannot relate...I danced every dance at our school dances, I always had a date for every occasion, My hair was always soooo cute (see fourth grade picture), AND... my brothers were always willing to make sure my self esteem was intact. So I guess I'll just have to pass on the advice. Still, I love you and wish you luck. Hugs Mom
Dearest Katy,
I can't wait to rediscover all of the joys you speak of. Actually, on second thought, I am petrified. Boys are stupid. I went to my first singles' activity thingy on Friday night. Oh my heavens. So awkward. Everyone just standing around clearly just wanting to meet people and move on with it. Of course in my mind, I would walk in for my big debut and heads would turn and that would be that. But no, instead I got to over hear TWO DIFFERENT TIMES the guy I was sort of talking to talk to another guy next to him about the chick situation or working the crowd or something else stupid and boy-like. Know that you are in good company. And dating sucks.
Love, Cumma Kwatz
Oh my gosh. The end of the post was a tad depressing but I laughed while reading the conversation because I could totally hear you saying all of that (especially "you can tell by the authority in my voice"). And then reading Anna's story in her comment kind of made me laugh again.
Just know that I agree with you about the whole boys thing. And I do not know what to say about the dating council thing, except that I'm kind of shocked that there isn't one in every single ward.
Very Funny...and I know Bill...he is the definition of awkward..don't take it personally.
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