This happened last semester, but it still lingers in my mind as one of the most horrendous and hilarious visiting teaching experiences of my life. The girl that I used to visit teach was preparing to leave for a month trip to Africa. She was also preparing for a job interview the morning of her departure and was pressed for time. I offered to help in any way that I could and this is how I got myself into this disaster. She asked me if I would be able to finish ironing her white shirt for her job interview the following morning. I'm no fool, I've read about the blessings that come from service and more especially from visiting teaching so I was all like, yeah for sure I will do that for you!
I took the shirt down to my apartment and pulled out a rather scary looking iron from the back closet. I plugged it in, waited for it to heat up, and then proceeded to iron her cotton-polyester and whatever other synthetic material shirt. I was only at it for less than thirty seconds when I looked down and realized that the shirt was smoking and there were large striations where the iron had just passed over.

In a matter of seconds I had managed to anihalate her only white button up shirt just in time for her impossible morning deadline! I didn't know what to do! Maybe she wouldn't notice!? She was having a going away party at that very moment so I couldn't go up to her apartment to show her what I had just done. After ten minutes of panic and despair filled with intermittent fits of giggles at the total shock of what had just happened, I decided that she could wear whatever she wanted out of my closet for her interview and that I would rush to the store first thing in the morning to replace the mutilated one.
In the end, she borrowed a shirt and I was able to find a nice suitable replacement at the local Shopko.

I learned my lesson. I am never giving service again.
I took the shirt down to my apartment and pulled out a rather scary looking iron from the back closet. I plugged it in, waited for it to heat up, and then proceeded to iron her cotton-polyester and whatever other synthetic material shirt. I was only at it for less than thirty seconds when I looked down and realized that the shirt was smoking and there were large striations where the iron had just passed over.
In a matter of seconds I had managed to anihalate her only white button up shirt just in time for her impossible morning deadline! I didn't know what to do! Maybe she wouldn't notice!? She was having a going away party at that very moment so I couldn't go up to her apartment to show her what I had just done. After ten minutes of panic and despair filled with intermittent fits of giggles at the total shock of what had just happened, I decided that she could wear whatever she wanted out of my closet for her interview and that I would rush to the store first thing in the morning to replace the mutilated one.
In the end, she borrowed a shirt and I was able to find a nice suitable replacement at the local Shopko.
I learned my lesson. I am never giving service again.
I believe that you may have drawn the wrong conclusion from this experience. I suggest you back and redo the whole experience so you can learn the lesson that you really should have learned.
I think the real crucial life-changing lesson you should have learned is that old crumby irons should be thrown away.
Oh, laheeelaheelaheelaheeeee.
Deep breaths.
Oh my.
That is a lol of a story.
And also add to the moral: Ironing is evil.
That is SO FUNNY! At least you learned your lesson though. :P
Katy, I like your moral of the story. Good work.
true life: I suck at ironing.
I think I actually remember you telling me this story but reading it in print is somehow even more hilarious.
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