A Walk to Remember

It was a beautiful Sunday evening so we decided to go for a walk.

We were walking and walking...

We walked past a new house that was large, daunting and scary!

Then we walked past a familiar home

And that's when disaster struck. Winnie dropped a poop right in front of the Hatch's yard and there we were without a plastic bag. So Dickie found a nice stick and leaf and tried to scoop it up... he unfortunately got some doo doo on his glove! Sick man!

But the walk continued anyway despite the unpleasantness of the poop. We walked past the church, I tried to be as reverent as I could.

While we were coming around the corner, Winnie dropped another poop, but this time didn't get her bum clean. She walked right in front of me and rubbed her bum on the hem of my jeans! I just finished doing laundry for the week and these were clean pants! I was not so happy or pleased with winnie at that time.

Finally we made it home, both having been got by the poop meister. All in all it was a nice and pretty walk... maybe next time we'll bring some baggies and baby wipes for winnie.
How old is Winnie now? She's growing incontinent! Or...inpoopinent...something. Anyway, that huge house next to your old one looks so strange and wrong, doesn't it!? I always drove by really slowly because I could never quite grasp that it was real!
It was a beautiful and cold afternoon and it was nice to get out and move around. The poop issues just made the adventure more memorable.
That house is a monstrosity and deserves an award for sticking out like a festering sore thumb.
And sorry about the poop...disgusting.
Dad has on a nice spiffy new coat!
Oh that house is it done yet? Are they still at Uncle Khunis? Sounds like that walk was it own "peril of the poop"!
That house is a cancer on the landscape of my memories. But it is wonderful to see photos of the home neighborhood. {sigh} No matter how much I love Chapel Hill, there's no place like home.
Now Katy, you really outdid yourself with this post. I've never seen such attention to detail (no one has ever shown the poopied articles of clothing so clearly). The emotion you got through with your Dad's "ew crap!" face and your display of reverence added a level of raw humanity rarely achieved in blogdom. And the "you can't park here" sign reminds me of the sincere crankiness of the home neighborhood.
Well, well, well done Katy.
OHHH yuck poop and the condo house. Yuck.
Haha! You are funny miss Katy.
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