On Friday evening, Anna, Dad and I went to Michael Pollan's lecture on food and nutrionism. It was very interesting and has made me quite anxious about eating "food" from grocery stores. I really love what he has to say and I am looking forward to reading his books.

Sorry I can't get the pictures to go upright! I didn't bring my camera, so I used the one in my cell phone instead. Consequently they are a little blurry and sideways.

We were running late, so we had to run to the venue through temple square.

I stopped to take some pictures...

And I made Dad and Anna stop for some pictures...

And then there was more running...

Until we finally made it there. We had to wait in line for our will call tickets, but they started late anyway... so we had a nice jog and were readst to go and on time for the lecture.

Me outside Abravenel Hall

The cool Chihuly glass inside

Right before we went in...

This is the view from our seats. It was a lot of fun and I'd do it all over again any day! Thanks for orchestrating that Anna! And I'll never touch a twinkie again!
Nice record of the evening. I will never eat twinkies again either or drink soda for that matter (except for root beer with pizza and guarana with Brazilian food). Now how's that for being compartmentalized?
Dad in those cases it is okay to eat (drink) those foods because it is more part of an eating ritual...a cultural event that brings warm fuzzy memories. It's the kind of thing we need more of in our culture.
And it was great fun and so interesting and I'm glad you got turned onto Pollan!
Oh I got turned on! He he he... sorry that's gross I just couldn't resist!
That was an Akward sentance!
Oh the fond memories of Abravanel Hall! $12 dates to the symphony (plus dinner) are possibly the best part of being a student. Maybe prices have gone up a bit.
I'm glad you all got turned on by the discussion. I need to look into it. Sometimes I dread one more area of knowledge to be morally responsible for. You all can help me someday.
You did a great job with this post Katy. Despite the lack of your usual camera, you captured the essence of the evening and recorded it forever.
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