On September 2nd I had the great pleasure of going out to dinner with Bishop and Sister Chappell along with some other girls from the ward. We met at Tommy Bahamas for food and then proceeded over to the Pavillion to watch some very very special broadway stars (they aren't really that famous but they don't know that) perform songs from musicals along with the Houston Symphony. It was a great night and I loved spending time with people I love a lot!

Tommy Bahama's in the Woodlands
Katherine, Cynthia, Wendy, Sister Jan Chappell, Bishop Rob Chappell
Mauren, Kim, Rebecca, Kristin, and Diana. (Alison and I visit teach Diana)
They all look like fine folks. I'm glad to be able to see a photo of your bishop and wife.
The food doesn't look half bad either.
The food was very delicious!!
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