
Date #2

There aren't likely to be any more dates but this was a good one anyway. We went out for ice cream and then went for a stroll in the park in the Woodlands. Thanks Joe for the good times.


Maren said...

Why no next date?

David and Kris Taylor said...

Yes, this is very cryptic. What's the story?


Anna said...

Enough with the cryptic stuff please.

Anna said...

That sounded rude, but come on, already.

Katy Kathryn said...

Whats cryptic? I'm not going to put all the details of the date on the blog. You can call me and talk to me for details. It wasn't meant to be cryptic. We had a good time but I just didn't feel like there would be another date at the end.

Anna said...

Katy haven't you realized yet that we aren't a calling and talking to people on the phone family yet? Okay some of us call but some of us don't. I'll leave it to you to figure out who calls and who doesn't.

Anonymous said...

So...any other updates? I'm quite lost in life without an update on Katy Kathryn....

with love...Katie Jeanne