On September 22nd, Sue Akers celebrated her 59th Birthday. Her daughter Katie came over in the morning to do her hair and makeup before she went out to lunch with her college friends. They went to Campionis Italian restaurant and then spent the afternoon visiting. She got a delicious cake from RJ Goodies and a fun time was had by all. That evening I went to Institute and thought I was going to study the Old Testament. Instead, we got the institute sex education talk and a long drawn out story of his wife's first pregnancy and delivery...
A Very Rainy Afternoon
September 7th was a great day for a Rain. I went outside to jump in puddles and enjoy the torrential downpour. Just another perk of living in Texas during hurricane season!
A Night Out With The Chappells
On September 2nd I had the great pleasure of going out to dinner with Bishop and Sister Chappell along with some other girls from the ward. We met at Tommy Bahamas for food and then proceeded over to the Pavillion to watch some very very special broadway stars (they aren't really that famous but they don't know that) perform songs from musicals along with the Houston Symphony. It was a great night and I loved spending time with people I love a lot!

Tommy Bahama's in the Woodlands
Katherine, Cynthia, Wendy, Sister Jan Chappell, Bishop Rob Chappell
Mauren, Kim, Rebecca, Kristin, and Diana. (Alison and I visit teach Diana)
Date #2
The Literary Society of the Livable Forrest: LSLF
Earlier in the year we decided that we wanted to have a literary society. The intent of the society was to promote the love for literature and writings of all kinds including song lyrics, poetry, prose, etc. We wanted to showcase personal writings as well as the literature of great authors known and unknown. We finally made it happen. There are currently only three members of this literary society but perhaps with time we will recruit. We spent a lovely afternoon by the pool sharing short stories, poetry, and the beginning workings of novels. We felt very high brow and educated, and I must say, we really are.

Just casually reminding those viewing that literature is cool and sophisticated.
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