People's question for me when I tell them I moved to Texas from Utah is "Why?" Because I wanted to, thats why. Alison and I drove to Texas in three days. On the way we had some silly adventures. We drove past a car of two hairy afro/bearded boys and Alison dared me to blow a kiss to them. So I did. Then I made her speed away because of the strange looks we got. After our getaway we were stopped in traffic only to be passed by the same boys. We stopped in Denver at Grandma Gibbs house the first night and enjoyed a lovely dinner and show at Casa Bonita, famous for its live entertainment. There were several highlights (the food not being one of them...) Black Beards cave, the gorilla running away show, and the personal serenade from the Mariachi band. (I requested Cielito Lindo) Then we stopped in Oklahoma and stayed with Maryanne Silver, Debby's dear friend, and then on to Houston via Dallas where we stopped at the grassy knoll to pay tribute to dear dead Pres. Kennedy. The historical museum was asking for $12.00 a ticket and being the somewhat cheapskate, I said, "I ain't payin that!" Somehow I felt a great indignation that as an American I have to pay "a buttload" of money to enjoy my country's own history. RIP OFF!! And so now we're here, living the dream. What dream? The American Dream. Cheers to all of you for your support in my decision to leave family and friends and move to a strange and conservative land!

Farewell Provo

On the road

Rural scenery along the way

Maryanne Silver's home

Exon Mobil Pegasus in Dallas

The expensive museum and location of the shooter

The road where the shooting occurred

The Grassy Knoll (This face is in honor of Zoolander when James Marsden impersonates the assassin on the grassy knoll)

Downtown Dallas

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