This post is LONG overdue... my birthday, was in fact, in April. Better late than never though... This is a tribute to the Gibbs children, who for my birthday, gave me the loveliest gift a girl could ever receive, my very own crown from Hot Topic! Not only did this make me feel royal and regal, but I felt like I really was a princess for the day.
Breakfast, I didn't think to actually take the picture with my breakfast cereal, but I did wear the crown the whole time I was eating.
Driving to work, I got some fun looks from the cars that tried passing me, I say try because no one succeeded.
Hanging out at work with cuz Carrie.
Looking all sassamafrass at work.
I had to go to class, art history to be exact and take extensive notes and ponder over the meaning of life and art.
I managed to find some time to look precious and cute. Good thing too!
My friend Paul wanted to know what it would feel like to be princess for a day, so I thought, What would Jesus do? He'd share the crown...
Then I got to eat at the most magical restaurant, Bombay House. This might seem like food for a queen... but I'm pretty sure they serve princesses too. Thanks to Mummy and Deaddy!
How do princesses end their days? With some light reading of course. I always feel that it is a good thing to get back to basics before retiring for the night.
Goodnight and thanks to everyone who helped me feel like a princess for a day!
Why what a lovely crown! Clearly the people who bought it for you have incredible taste. Glad that your birthday was so magical, but know that crown or not, you are always a princess in my eyes.
You're super cute.
ok, so....this is your mum Not Maren, I have just been able to check my e-mail quickly at Finn's b'day party. You don't even need a crown to be a beautiful princess in my eyes....luv, Mum
This the first time I have had access to the magic information highway since arriving in AZ, so this comment is tardy.
To me, you are always a princess and the crown only puts the exclamation point on the fact.
I hope you are having a lovely time in NY. We shall see you soon.
La hee la hee la hee la hee.
I love it.
I still owe you a royal keyboard cover. I'm all over it...soon.
SO funny! You are a hoot. :)
Taty - still the tween.
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