
It's just like riding a bike...

Me and Roxy

The time has come for me to get up off my booty and start pumping my body weight to work through the use of my pretty purple bicycle Roxanne, lovingly referred to as Roxy. Hopefully this will mean less trips to the gas station and stronger thigh muscles. (As of right now they are pitiful and weak!) The Lord confirmed it to me through a fortune cookie, as is how he often communicates with me, that the choice I have made is a good one.


Anonymous said...

I love it. Roxanne is a beauty.

Maren said...

Well done Katy! It is to hot here form me to even think of riding a bike right now.

David and Kris Taylor said...

You have had a remarkable relationship with fortune cookies. The streak goes on. Keep on pumpin'.


Lauren said...

I was so happy to see your comment on my blog! Yay for bike rides! That really is the most enjoyable form of exercise.

AnneMarie said...

I'm so excited that you've posted another blog!
Good for you with Roxanne!

millie said...

Way to rock it Katy. You make me proud.

Emily said...

Go Katy Go! Love the fortune cookie.

will said...

Do you put your fortune cookie in the bottom of a hat to receive messages?

You know what I think about riding a bike. Right on Katy. Right on.

Anna said...

Way to go. I'm glad you and Roxy are getting reaquainted.