Thanks to all of you who came to support me in the art show Faces of England. Christian Smith, who was a student in the last Study Abroad trip to England, wanted to put together an art show. He asked me, Greg Steele and Carly Cowser (other study abroaders) to contribute. We all agreed and submitted five to six pieces each. We were able to display the show in the B.F. Larsen Gallery in the Harris Fine Arts Center on BYU Campus. A great time was had by all and it was a real learning experience for me. I was able to do my own matting, wire hanging and displaying of the pieces. Turned out really well. Thanks again for all of your support!
Here is the Artists' Statement:
Christian Smith, Katy Taylor, Carly Cowser, and Greg Steele studied in the United Kingdom for four months in the fall of 2007. Though their work features a variety of styles, together they capture some of the faces England has to offer. The subjects of these photographs range from well-known English icons to scenic landscapes and undiscovered city streets. See the United Kingdom through the lenses of four different photographers each with their own unique perspectives.
It was quite fun to go. Congrats on being a little artist. I'm jealous :)
Oh I really, really wish I could have seen it! thanks for the artists statement!
It was a great show Katy and I am so glad I got to see it.
I really and truly, and not just because you are my sister liked yours the best.
I think it is so cool you got to do this. Congrats!
Was this up while I was in town? I feel dumb for airballing it. Anyway, I'm happy you did it.
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