

Greetings from LonDon... It was a lovely day filled with lovely adventures. It might have been awkward at a few points... jumping in public squares... running into bollards... setting off the chub alarm... but all in all it were fab! You can of course read Dickie's blog to read what actually happened... but here on my blog you can feast your eyes on my silly adventures. Hope y'all enjoy!!

Jumping in Russell Square in front of the hotel

Running into a bollard at Dr. Johnson's home... it's kind of an awkward face...

Well... I can't seem to figure out how to reconfigure the pictures so that I can type comments underneath the pictures... It's making me angry right now... so just enjoy the pictures for what they are... awkward!


Anna said...

Okay several comments from this portion of the peanut gallery.
Remember when you were a wee young lass in London and you walked into the lampost in front of the Champion pub on our way to Starlight Express? Now that was awkward.
Also, who is hoisting you up in that picture?
Also, to change the format on the pictures, on the page where it has you upload your pictures you can change the setting to centered.
Lovely to see you.

Emily said...

It is awkward that you are eating my very favorite sandwich and I am not. Could someone please bring one home for me?

Emily said...

or maybe 2.

will said...

Word to Anna. I agree on centering the pictures. It makes them much easier to integrate with text (you can even go nuts with devoted, specific captions if you want to change the size of the type right below the pic and all).

Word to Katy. Just because you are living la vida loca awkwarda in London.

And as far as Anna's questions go, I still owe her answers to questions she asked ages ago here in the bloggosphere. Out here you have permission to wait forever before you answer Anna's questions. So take your time.


Anna said...

Oh Will, how you do tease, and I'm awaiting answers!!!!

David and Kris Taylor said...

Katy, we shall work on your format if we can just get together before I go to bed.



Maren said...

Oh what fun you are going to have!

millie said...

You are funny. Not funny queer, but funny HA HA. I have never seen your mom so pretty and so willing to be in pictures. It really looks like you are having a splendid time.