Maren's Birthday was yesterday, the big 30! My apologies for not posting something the day of, but I was waiting for some inspiration. This year, I have written a poem for Maren for her birthday. Cheesy? Yes. Strange? Maybe... Heart felt? Definitely. I wouldn't mind getting some feedback but mostly its what I was thinking today... I love you Maren, Happy Birthday!!
Miles apart with glimpses along the way
Yet flesh of my flesh, we will never be divided.
Goodnight songs, backyard adventures, tears of sorrow, joy, and heartache
Summers spent in grassy yards with dares around the block
Recordings of our bolder sides, and trips around the world
Have bound your heart to mine
And I love you
The years continue to sneak by as if we wouldn't notice
But the little ones with your smile and his eyes
Give rise to the notion that time does not go unnoticed.
They are a new depth of love that could never have been imagined
They bind my heart to yours
And I love you
In an unforeseeable future new memories will be made
We'll reminisce and laugh, perhaps we'll even weep
But blood of my blood
We are bound forever,
And I will always love you
Miles apart with glimpses along the way
Yet flesh of my flesh, we will never be divided.
Goodnight songs, backyard adventures, tears of sorrow, joy, and heartache
Summers spent in grassy yards with dares around the block
Recordings of our bolder sides, and trips around the world
Have bound your heart to mine
And I love you
The years continue to sneak by as if we wouldn't notice
But the little ones with your smile and his eyes
Give rise to the notion that time does not go unnoticed.
They are a new depth of love that could never have been imagined
They bind my heart to yours
And I love you
In an unforeseeable future new memories will be made
We'll reminisce and laugh, perhaps we'll even weep
But blood of my blood
We are bound forever,
And I will always love you
Made me tear up! You are always so thoughtful and kind to me on my Birthday! Truly THANKS!
I can't write poetry.
Happy Birthday to our Marigold.
I thought it was quite touching, too. Happy Birthday dear Maryleborn (or however it should be spelled).
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