

I read these five books and Remember Me in a week. I LOVED them, even though Becky Bloomwood can drive you insane, she can also make you giggle. I think they are a fun read and I give them an 8 out of 10!

Remember Me is about a girl who wakes up from a car accident and can't remember the last three years of her life. In those three years she went from being a fun, frumpy, messy, single person to married, career obsessed, model looking, rich person. She tries to figure out how all of these changes occurred and runs into some surprises along the way. It was a great read!


David and Kris Taylor said...

Your mother has been reading them and has been in a state of giggles for several days. Maybe I need a good escape, too.


Maren said...

I will have to try them out!

Anna said...

You need to read the Can You Keep a Secret too. I love mindless chic lit.