Here's a cute picture of Gidget and Rob on their wedding.
Today is my Daddy's birthday. He may be an old man, but I sure do love him! I love him because he is passionate about many things such as food, holly, architecture, cheese, Wallace Fountains, maps, google earth, Portuguese, Project Runway, London, and his family. I will tell you some other reasons why I love my dad.

I love you because you play along when I ask you to make a gargoyle face.

I love you because you take me on trips to see the temple in London.

I love you because you love your iMac and have taught me to be a Mac girl too.

I love you because you love Wallace Fountains, mostly because you love free water!

I love you because you take me to see cool mansions.

I love you because you love your family.

I love you because you have a great sense of fashion.

I love you because you take your wife on dates sometimes.

I love you because you love Frank Lloyd Wright even though he's an eccentric old cuss.

I love you because you always help me with whatever project I have to get done.

I love you because you grit your teeth when you give hugs.

I love you because you take me to eat Indian Food.

I love you because you make silly faces with me.

I love you because you love food! (Especially Mexican!)

I love you because sometimes you can be silly!

I love you because you take the middle seat on airplanes so Mom can have the aisle and I can have the window.

I love you because you aren't afraid to pout.

I love you because you love your grandchildren.

I love you because you like to try new things.

I love you because you make delicious egg salad sandwiches.

I love you because you love Paris.

I love you because you are afraid of the sun and skin cancer.

I love you because you always drive the whole way to Arizona.

I love you because you like to go on walkies.

I love you because you're not afraid to touch gross things.

I love you because you hate bad architecture.

I love you because you love Winnie like your own daughter.

I love you because you introduced me to St. Dunstin-in-the-East.

I love you because you take every opportunity to take a picture of holly berries.

I love you because you love Pret and their yummy yummy sandwiches.

I love you because you wear white socks, always, except for on Sundays.

I love you because you know when its appropriate to laugh.

I love you because you can overcome your fear of heights for a spectacular view.

I love you because you are a great artist.

I love you because you wrote me every week on my mission.

I love you because you look good in glasses.

I love you because of all the traditions you have started.

I love you because you look good in hats.

I love you because you are a good example.

I love you because you pick your nose.

I love you because you are willing to sit and talk.

I love you because you make baklava for Christmas.

I love you because you like to swim, and look good while doing it.

I love you because you love picnics.

I love you because you teach.

I love you because you are always willing to share your testimony.

I love you because you know how to click your heels.

I love you because you can keep up with those young fellas.

I love you because you give me good hugs.

I love you because you know how to have fun.

I love you because you LOVE water!

I love you because you taught me to love England.

I love you because you are a faithful blogger.

I love you because people who stay in character make you uncomfortable.

I love you because you make train rides more fun.

I love you because you can appreciate fine art.

I love you because you think stolen apples taste the best.

I love you because you love big mature trees.

I love you because you fall asleep when you read.

I love you because you come up with fun adventures.

I love you because you can admit when you have made a mistake.

I love you because you know how to pucker up!

I love you because you make me laugh.

I love you because you are a good brother.

I love you because you are an obsessive snow shoveler.

I love you because you always indulge me.

I love you because you know where the good seats are on the bus.

I love you because you always know where you are and never get lost.

I love you because you love dressing up like an Arab.

I love you because you can appreciate a beautiful park.

I love you because you treat us to Bratwurst on Portobello.

I love you because you thrive in air conditioned places.

I love you because you never pass up good gelato.

I love you because you are very careful with roasting your marshmallows.

I love you because you secretly wish you were Harry Potter.

I love you because you thought this was funny too.

I love you because you took me to Greenwhich even though you had already been there several times.

I love you because we always have fun adventures together.

I love you because you know church history.

I love you because you know how to keeps it real.

I love you because I get to be your shadow.

I love you because you collected the lint from your carpet.

I love you because you are my best friend.
There are lots of things to love. I hope that for your birthday you get to spend hours and hours looking at google earth, that you get 40 comments on your blog, and that your house will stay clean for a week!