What am I celebrating today?
Three things:
1. Barack Obama won the Presidential Election last night which means that today was the first day of a hopeful future!

2. Today is Guy Fawkes day, a day when we celebrate the unsuccessful plot to blow up Parliament. I would have liked to have spent the evening eating bangers and mash for dinner, burning a dummy on a big bonfire, watching fireworks and then enjoying a classic British film. Instead, I ate some delicious pork dish and did some egg tempera painting.

3. One year ago today, I got on an airplane that took me from Spokane Washington to Salt Lake City Utah, where I was released from being a full time missionary. I have been home for exactly one year! Where has the time gone? I believe that it has been spent traveling, studying, working, reading, learning, talking, laughing, crying, sleeping, adventure seeking, bike riding, bike crashing, eating, electing, voting, and movie watching!

So what am I doing now? Just going to school and working at the MTC Copy Center. I will continue to wear my life out in the laminating of Preach My Gospels and other such silly and uncessary tasks...
A wise man once said, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." I intend to spend this next year in the pursuit of happiness.
Three things:
1. Barack Obama won the Presidential Election last night which means that today was the first day of a hopeful future!

2. Today is Guy Fawkes day, a day when we celebrate the unsuccessful plot to blow up Parliament. I would have liked to have spent the evening eating bangers and mash for dinner, burning a dummy on a big bonfire, watching fireworks and then enjoying a classic British film. Instead, I ate some delicious pork dish and did some egg tempera painting.

3. One year ago today, I got on an airplane that took me from Spokane Washington to Salt Lake City Utah, where I was released from being a full time missionary. I have been home for exactly one year! Where has the time gone? I believe that it has been spent traveling, studying, working, reading, learning, talking, laughing, crying, sleeping, adventure seeking, bike riding, bike crashing, eating, electing, voting, and movie watching!
So what am I doing now? Just going to school and working at the MTC Copy Center. I will continue to wear my life out in the laminating of Preach My Gospels and other such silly and uncessary tasks...
A wise man once said, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." I intend to spend this next year in the pursuit of happiness.
Wow! The 5th was a momentous day for you. Happy election result, happy return from a blue state, and happy Guy Fawkes Day to you!!!
Yay! OBAMA!!!
And I'm so sorry I counldn't make, stuff, and burn a Guy with you....sad day. I guess we'll just have to re-live the fond middlesborough live in memories this year!
Lastly, I think that Elder with you on the plane went to my high school! He looks so familiar!
Love ya!
He did! He is from Orem... how funny!
Wow, that year did go fast!!!
Hooray for Obama and more importantly hooray for the country.
Guy Fawkes...next year we should really celebrate it.
Let's do it!
Let's have a Guy Fawkes party next year.
Nice quote from an unassailable source. I'm happy for you Katy and intrigued to see you becoming political. Careful, it is a disease that only gets worse.
Guy Fawkes Day, I haven't thought about that if forever. It is an odd sort of holiday, but fun to celebrate!
That really was quite a day for celebrating.
Has it really been a year? I know halloween is over, but sometimes Time is still kinda spooky.
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