
Indiana Jones Review

Indiana Jones

Perhaps I am not the best person to review this movie because I have not seen the previous three all the way through (GASP!!) however, as a movie goer, I was disappointed with this film. I realize that Lucas Films have license to be cheesy, but I feel like this is no excuse for poor writing and poor acting. The visual effects were lame and low budget, the story was slightly bizarre and far fetched (but that wouldn't even bother me had it been pulled off correctly). Watching poor Harrison Ford try to be Indiana was painful, meaning, he looked like he was in a lot of pain while running and jumping and swinging from his whip. I felt like I was watching my own father trying to be an action hero... My advice, for those who wish to see it, wait till it comes to a cheaper theater and don't have too high of expectations.


David and Kris Taylor said...



Maren said...

I have heard similar comments about this. I will wait to rent it.

Anna said...

I was waiting until Redbox...and then again the kids might watch it whilst I read a scrumptious novel.

AnneMarie said...

I had heard the same, kind of sad.

will said...

I doubt I'll see this one. Only the first and third ones exist for me.