
300 Review

300: A romantic comedy for our time

This delightful story takes place in ancient Greece when the Spartans, a group of 300 stunningly fit, testosterone filled men attempt to overthrow the evil but beautiful Persian Emperor/God Xerxes and his armies single handedly. (All Xerxes wanted was land and water and perhaps another piercing from Camden Market... but Leonidas was having NONE of it!)

"Bow to me!" says Xerxes... "Get over yourself!" cries Leonidas

And so the battle begins... This is how they do it in Sparta.

The highlight of this film was watching these 300 men run around in leather speedos and capes, grunting and taunting the naughty Xerxes and his thousands.

In the end Leonidas is betrayed by a young hunchback named Ephialtes which proves to be the downfall of the mighty mighty Spartans. All Ephialtes wanted was to fight and prove himself in battle by standing as one of the Spartans against Xerxes... but Leonidas wouldn't let him because he was handicapped, he didn't have chiseled abs and looked slightly awkward in his leather speedo.

The moral of the story is... be nice to those hunchbacks... they're people too even though they might not be ridiculously good looking.

My thoughts: I think that most men will love this movie for it's beautifully choreographed violence and for the hard core men in this film, because secretly most men want to be a Spartan warrior... and most women want to be with a Spartan warrior... that's why this movie is so gripping and motivating. Please if you see this movie make sure that you are prepared for the overwhelming desire to run to the gym nearest you.

(I saw it edited and give it one thumb half up and the other thumb sticking out to the side hailing a taxi to run away)


Emily said...

Loveluy review- Thanks. I nearly snorted my hot chocolate out my nose!

will said...

At least you saw it edited. You know, the process of de-missionifying can be terrififying. I was going to say that you have adapted remarkably quickly and ably if you saw and enjoyed this flick in its full glory.

On the other hand, even if you saw it edited and enjoyed it somewhat you are still adapting most precociously.

If you are interested in a much more historically informative portrayal of the ancient world, check out the Rome series from the BBC and HBO. I prefer the nudity, sex and violence there, and the historical accuracy is the best I've seen yet.

Anna said...

If I had been drinking hot cocoa it definitely would have been snorted out my nose and possibly my ears. I must say you picked quite a doozey to delve back into the world of movies! Gee whiz, I don't even dare see that one.
And Will, is Rome that good? I don't know why I've avoided it, but I have, but maybe I shouldn't have been.
Any old way, thanks for the very fine sense of humor Katy Kathryn.

will said...

Rome is great. Plot-wise it has all the drama you need to stay hooked in. Jamie and I ate it up. Sex and violence wise, they seem to be trying to prove something at the beginning, and then (once the show had established itself as racy, I suppose) they actually chill out and don't have to have blood and nipples in every episode.

What I love is how well they nail ancient morality (military and civilian) and give you a great view of what life in Rome might actually have been like.

Go here for my original review.

Maren said...

I saw this movie and felt pretty much the same way as you. You say it so well!

Scooter said...

i still have yet to see it. i'm still waiting for my spartan costume to come in the mail. i feel i need "immerse" myself in the spartan experience before i watch it.

Shanicherie said...

Hey Katy! It's Shannon! So I have a blog too! It's shaniandogg.blogspot.com And 300 is definitely a romantic classic! :)

millie said...

Now if I had heard this gorgeous review before the NPR one...I'd definitely seen it with Colton.