I have been obsessive about Facebook these last few weeks in my need to connect with people and feel that it is an unhealthy addiction. I am therefore going to try and be Facebook free for the month of March and see how it goes. There may be some withdrawls, but hopefully I will be able to kick the addiction and focus more on blogs. I not only want to be more actively involved in blogging but also be a better viewer of other people's delightful blogs. All the people that I really love have blogs anyway... so peace out Facebook!
Sometimes I think facebook is the worlds biggest waste of time....
You know how I feel about Facebook, so this sounds like a fine plan!
P.S. It can't be worse than giving up sugar.
Yes, but remember how I gave up sugar and then I went back for some more? Stupid addictions...
I was just about to write "HAS THE BEST COUSIN EVER!" as my facebook status and then I came across this blog! Anyway, good luck and YOU ARE THE BEST COUSIN EVER! I think the bag of mini eggs are already pretty much gone! Also, i ran across my london "likes and dislikes" list the other day! I'll have to mail it to you! Love ya cuz
Oh yes I want to see the list! I can't find mine and its heartbreaking! I hope you liked the card and the fact that the eggs were shipped in a ginormous way too big box. Stupid FedEx! hehehe Luv you and miss you tons!
Thanks a lot Carrie:(
Send me a package with candy and just maybe you will take over "best cousin" status...
Love you Maren!
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