A friend has recently reminded me that I am a nerd. I don't think I've ever thought of myself in those terms exactly, but I can see their point. I enjoy comic book movies, I fantasize about being married to Eomer, Lord of the Rohirrim, I can be fascinated by the star trek culture... thats not to say that I am a treky or will ever be one, but I get the fascination. I quote a lot of movies, enjoy Harry Potter maybe a little more than I should and technically I think I'm back to being VL. I guess I am a nerd.
In addition to being a nerd, I am also a cool intelligent thinker who enjoys art, good food, the night sky, and hilarious jokes. Point is... I need to start recording the goings on in my life again to remind myself that in addition to being a nerd, I also have a life. A good life. So this is what I've been up to lately in Texas:

I got a new calling. I used to be on the activities committee and now I am a co-chair in the "Spiritual and Temporal Well Being Committee." I know what you're thinking, and you would be right, it does sound like a made up calling. I won't actually do a lot but we will be there as a resource for the ward should people need information on emergency preparedness, housing, employment, and food storage.

I have been to the temple twice this month. This is a way for me to brag and show off how good I am being. Actually, I did baptisms for the first time since I was in Young Women and it was a really great experience. I also did an endowment session last night and I didn't fall asleep! This is progress. My big realization in this session was: Adam and Eve didn't have to date. They were just given each other. Why doesn't God still operate that way? It seemed to work out well for them... just a thought.
While Debby was gone to California a few weeks ago, Alison and I decided to get domestic and take turns cooking. This led to some hilarity and also some yummy food. I made pasta and veggies one night, and chicken katsu curry a different night. Alison made a delicious bean soup one night and ommlettes the other. It was a fun experience and I think there will be more cooking in our future.
To start our cooking week off Alison made pot roast in a crock pot on Sunday bless her heart. When we got home we realized she had left the crock pot on high for seven hours while we were away... the roast was burnt and chewy, the potatoes were shriveled and resembled hard prunes and the corn just tasted a little funky. We had already invited someone from the ward to come and share the meal with us. He was a good sport and ate it anyway. I tried to improve my potatoes by adding some fresh basil. This mostly masked the flavor of the potatoes rather than improving them. It was another funny situation and story with Alison Gibbs.

This is Katie Whipple. She is a new friend that we've been spending a lot of time with. There are other new friends but I couldn't find their pictures online when I did a google search. Kind of creepy that I found one of her but I figure she wouldn't mind if I talked about her on my blog or posted a picture of her. In addition to hanging out with Katie, we have made friends with Wendy, Katherine, and Jason. Its been fun branching out and getting to know new people.

Now for the movie section... Katie Whipple introduced us to this foreign French comedy. I loved it and recommend it to anyone who likes foreign French comedies.

There have been MANY hours spent trying to decode and understand what was going on in this movie. I am certain that there will be many more conversations and discussions to come. I LOVED this film!

We've been to the drive in a few times this summer. Alison had never been so thats been a fun way to spend an evening. I really enjoy swinging on the swings while the show is playing. This last time I made a new friend. He spoke Spanish and seemed to be about five years old. He asked me to push him on the swings. He must have sensed that I've had lots of practice doing that.

Before I was released, our ward was in charge of hosting the YSA regional Luau. Its a pretty big deal here. I played dj for the night... This was the effect and feeling that the activities committee was going for, but it turned out more like this:
And this:

Why do us white folks love to pretend that we are polynesian sometimes? Anyway, a lot of people came and I think it was a successful activity in the end.

At the begining of August, Alison and I went to Austin to visit Ali's friend Veronica. We were given a tour of the city and one of the days we went floating down the river. It was a lot fun!

Alison got her hair cut at this trendy hipster hair salon, we bought cupcakes from a trailor, and we visited the "original" alamo draft house. It was a great three days.

We've spent a few nights hanging out at Main Event. Its where you go to bowl, play pool, and compete in laser tag. Its a good time.

I got a new job as a care giver. I am helping one of the Gibb's close family friends at the moment. I take her to physical therapy and find it fascinating and quite rewarding.

Last Sunday, Alison and I along with other people in our age range and stage of life attended a singles "mixer." It was a mormon mixer and so there was no alcohol or drunkeness allowed. We were assigned three dates for the evening and given games and activities to play. The highlight came at the end of the night when one of Alison's dates had struck up a conversation with her about media, ie, TV shows, films etc. They seemed to have a lot in common. They said their goodbyes, said see ya around? and that was it. Two minutes later, he came back in through the front door where we were putting on our shoes and boldly said to her "I'm not going to leave you to fate." He then got her number and said he would call her. I would like to say to this bold daring and wonderful man "WELL DONE!!!" I wish there were more men like him.

Debby is remodeling her closet right now. Its going to be great when its finished! I'll post pictures of the completed bathroom which will hopefully be done by the end of September.

I got a Wells Fargo account. I kind of felt like I was cheating on UCCU but i'm not. I'm just going to try and make it work with both banks.

I've been listening to these guys a lot lately. I keep rediscovering how much I love them. Last weeks song was "The Ballad of Love and Hate"

I have been asked to help plan the next YSA Regional activity so I designed this flyer using a picture off of the internet. I think it turned out pretty well.

I am now reading this book in an attempt to change the things I believe about myself. Its a pretty fascinating book with lots of excellent insights!
Well thats just a brief recap of whats been going on with me in the last month or two... I'll be better about blogging in the future... and this time I think I mean it...
Great update, keep 'em comin! Thanks for the movie reviews, we'll have to check them out. Missed you at the She & Him concert and Zooey says hi : ) (why can't we be her?)
A great post!
That drive-in photo was taken in SLC at the drive-in near my home where we chucked water balloons one evening.It is now, sadly, history and the place where it stood is filled with houses.
Glad to see what you are up to!
Whew....that was quite the catching up. Good to see you are alive and well.
See, so much going on in your life that you have refrained from sharing!
Comment about nerds: Everyone is a nerd about something. If they claim not to be, they are either in denial or perhaps not very interesting.
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