

A very belated Happy Birthday to my father. I decided to write him a poem for his birthday as well since I wrote one for Maren. The thing is, the one I wrote for Maren just came out in five minutes, so natural and easy, and I liked it. I have been spending WAY too long on this poem and I am still not satisfied, but I wanted to put it up to show that I am working on it. Dad, I've thought a lot about you these last few weeks and tried to put into words a small portion of our relationship and my love for you. This is a work in progress and when I get it right (where I am satisfied) I will repost it. For now, this is to give you an idea of where I've been headed and if you don't like it, I'll scratch it entirely and start over. Let me know what you think...

Little Shadow

Big shadow & Little shadow combine as if just one
Little hand in Big hand off on an adventure
Big voice sings to Little voice in tongues from foreign lands
Three Little eager strides to every stride of Big
Big hands tie Little laces
Little jeans & white t's to mimic those of Big
Big hugs and kisses to cover Little arms and cheeks
Little questions with Big answers
Big problems aided by Little help
Little growth in Big experiences and knowledge
Big support in Little weaknesses and struggles
Little silliness evokes Big laughs
Big words of comfort for Little anxieties

Big shadow & Little shadow combine as if just one
With Little's heart so full to be part of his Big world.

I love you Dad! Happy belated Birthday!!