Estoban may have been blind, but he could see that he was insanely in love with Manti. From what he could feel, she had big round eyes and long sinuous legs which he liked in his women. There was something so intoxicating about Manti, the way she would run her hands through his hair and bite his neck. He couldn't believe that it had only taken one afternoon to realize he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and in that same afternoon she had told him the same, but that it could never last because she wasn't sure how long she would be in town. She had refused to tell him where she was going, he didn't know why. Maybe it was because technically he was still a stranger even though they had spent an incredible three hours in line at the DMV together.
He had thought he was in line to renew his state handicap certificate when it turned out he had taken the wrong left turn and wound up in the car registration and title line. He ended up tapping his cane into Mantis long sinuous leg. She had turned around confused at what was going on only to realize that Estoban was the Latin Lover she had been dreaming of her whole existence. She had run her long sinuous fingers through his thick black hair and felt an instant attraction. "How could this be happening already?" she thought.
It had only been that morning that Manti had attacked the finger of what was unbknownst to her, a magical old lady with powers to transform insects into humans for small ammounts of time. As punishment, the old lady had turned Manti from her beautiful praying mantis form into a human being. The old lady had said "until you can learn to love fully, I am sending you to the most tortuous place on earth as a human!" One nano-second later Manti found herself in a small room with fluorescent lighting and cinderblock walls in stifling heat at the end of a line that seemed to stretch on and on for miles. That is when she felt the tapping on the back of her leg and knew her life would never be the same.