So this is what I've been doing lately...

The New Cell Phone I got, only Mine's Green
Movies I've Seen

I liked it a lot, not sure if I agree that it should win best picture, but it was worth seeing

To Kill A Mockingbird
Classic cinema, loved it!

The 39 Steps
So full of suspense and humor, it makes my top 30

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Not the book, but it's good

It Happened One Night
One of my favorite romantic comedies

Pirates 2
Good but a little too complex for a non serious film, I was entertained

Pirates 3
Perhaps Orlando Bloom was one of my favorite elements in this movie, him, and Geoffrey Rush trying to talk to Calypso like her lover... "CALYPSO!!"

Spiderman 3
Highly entertaining

Oceans 13
It was exactly like oceans 11 only they had one more new guy a different bad guy with a different casino, and a different way of getting what they wanted. You should watch it for Matt Damon's fake nose if for no other reason.

27 Dresses
I couldn't stand her... however...

James Marsden was fabulous. There are some funny clever moments but overall, not one of my favorite chick flicks. Good karaoke bar scene, probably the best scene in the movie.

I am Legend
It ended so suddenly and not so satisfactorily for me. Poor Will Smith was all alone in the world...

In The Land of Women
Mixed feelings, I never felt like I came to love any of the characters, they were all lame...

Bourne Ultimatum
Highly intense and just entertaining
Books I've read

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I can't stand Bella

New Moon
I still can't stand Bella, but I love Jacob!

What does Edward see in Bella? Poor Jacob... stupid Bella!

Brigham Young American Moses
Highly informative and long, I think I'll love it in the end
Places I've Been

Mt. Timpanogos Temple
I've been going to the temple with Allison Werner every week, you might say we're temple buds.

Brigham Young University Where I go to School
I have two classes in this building, and the rest are in the Jesse Knight Building

BYU Law Building where I go to Church
I have been called to be the Ward Historian, which means i take pictures at the ward activities and take notes in Stake and Ward Conference.

Miracle Bowl Where I went Bowling
I went on a crappy date here but bowled a 116, so I was pleased in the end.

MTC Copy Center Where I Work
I mostly laminate Preach My Gospel covers and tell the Elders that I think their copy ideas are lame and unnecessary... I try to be nice when I do that last part...

The Smith Field House Where I go Running with Joy
She's training for a 10K and I go running with her, only I run a mile and then do whatever I want for the rest of the time while she runs and trains... I feel pretty good about my efforts :)

Provo Town Center Where I go Shopping
I just bought two cute new shirts here that I love... they're from buckle and they're fashionable and comfortable

Provo Temple Where I go to the Temple
It's been really nice to be able to attend the temple regularly, I hope I can keep it up!
I Suppose there are a lot of better things I could be doing with my time... but this is what I love doing! Life is going well and as soon as I create more drama in my life, I'll let y'all know! Much love to you and yours.

Goodbye my little friends